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Whether you are just starting to learn or are simply refreshing your memory about the particulars of 501(c)3 status, is a great place to start, giving an overview of what a 501(c)3 is and how tax-emempt status works.


Image by Luke Ma

Nonprofit Basics

The organizational structure of a nonprofit often depends on several things, though the first criteria is often to meet the laws of the state the nonprofit is based in. Charon gives a general overview of the typicl organization's structure, and what roles the different parts of the organization play in running it.

Having a mission statement that matches your organization is key to attracting community support, and a well-written mission statement helps your grant writing chances, as they are often requested in proposals. Clear, concise, and jargon-free statements are best. Grantspace provides links to different resources to learn about crafting a great mission statement, while Nonprofithub provides examples of both good statements and bad.

No one source of income is enough to keep a nonprofit running smoothly. Like any business, diversity in sources of income is key. For an introduction to development and fundraising, has a discussion of how nonprofits grow their organizations through different kinds of income generation.

Mission Statements

Organizational Structure

Development and Fundraising

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